- - Bird whose males incubate eggs and rear chicks
- - Bird that swallows large pebbles to aid in digestion
- - Bird eaten by lemurs
- - Tasmanian ... (flightless Australian bird that is now extinct)
- - somewhat bemused by large flightless bird
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- - Bird whose males incubate the eggs
- - Flightless bird found in New Zealand
- - Fruit that's fuzzy on the outside
- - Flightless bird, or fuzzy fruit
- - New Zealand bird with hairlike feathers
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- - Birds whose eggs are incubated by males
- - Birds with big eggs
- - Birds related to cassowaries
- - Birds that run
- - These animals along with kangaroos are on the Australian Coat of Arms
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- - Informally, megapodes, Australasian birds which incubate their eggs in piles of decaying vegetation
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- - How a chicken incubates? It will get you inside on board
- - Pork pie, for instance, for first course that's hot from recipe - the type sailors on deck are likely to access
- - Cargo access
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