- - Birds' sharp toenails
- - Sharp parts of cats
- - Cats sharpen them by scratching rough surfaces
- - Sharp toenails
- - Certain toenails
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- - great joy in breaking toenail
- - Joy and Rex ignored by family member
- - aunt, maybe, taking off top showing joy
- - Feeling of great joy or happiness
- - a line to produce great pleasure
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- - Every other toenail is a shade of blue
- - Color that takes its name from a duck
- - part of ornate alcove is a greenish-blue colour
- - Bluish shade
- - Green-blue hue
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- - Inject copper into misshapen toenail
- - Inject against disease
- - Inject (small quantity of harmful bug)
- - Uncontrollable elation, boxing copper's jab
- - Introduce an idea or attitude into the mind of: immunise
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- - I left broken toenail in the shed
- - Shed with a sloping roof, adjoining another building
- - show an inclination for a type of shed
- - slow tempo involving a shed
- - no tale about a shed
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- - Animal toenail
- - Raven's toenail
- - Animal's nail
- - Toucan's toenail
- - Defense for some animals
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- - what do you call the dead skin at the base of a fingernail or toenail?
- - skin near nail trimmed and left in something frozen
- - Thick skin surrounding fingernails
- - finger skin! t.u.c. returns to put learner in very cold water
- - Skinny but attractive girl, about a hundred pounds
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