- - bully henman, say, interrupts during one tryst
- - To frighten or overawe, especially in order to get one's way
- - Cow, one I see eating wild mint
- - Frighten; bully
- - Bully's identification concealed by pal
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- [ Other definitions ]
- - .... henman, ex-tennis star
- - Rocky Horror Picture Show star Curry
- - bull durham star robbins
- - retired british tennis player, .. henman
- - "Last Man Standing" star ... Allen
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- - mr henman goes back to college in the usa
- - Prestigious university down the road from Harvard: Abbr.
- - School for engineers in Cambridge: Abbr.
- - Sch. by the Harvard Bridge, confusingly
- - school with a view of the charles river: abbr.
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- - Shy in the Henman Papers?
- - This writer is one day behind rear of coconut shy
- - Easily frightened, shy
- - Shy obscure Italian returned
- - Shy or easily frightened
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- - Henman in Ware? No peace now
- - i'm in rough water during the conflict
- - Reporters wore thyme in the early forties
- - Let out without being treated, back in troubled period
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- [ Other definitions ]
- - Work on Henman first -- a cheerful type
- - Who looks on the bright side of things
- - person disposed to take a favourable view of things
- - One who looks on the bright side
- - "Glass half full" type
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- [ Other definitions ]
- - In tennis, unsuccessfully hit Henman's returns, losing to love!
- - Infatuated with tennis? Not half, supporting former Wimbledon champion mostly
- - Strongly attracted to someone or something
- - Deeply in love?
- - Model admitting Mike two hours before midnight, very much in love
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