- - Time conceals a deserter's mistakes
- - Reasons to print a correction
- - slips on a slip, at times
- - A sailor concerned with rejected list of mistakes
- - Typos in a novel
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- - Letter embellishment in typography
- - small printing line
- - Shoots back, revealing a little bit of character
- - typographer's projection
- - character-building aid?
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- - specific style and size of lettering
- - Kind and brave group of characters with similar features
- - something that defines a character?
- - Printing surface of any character
- - Character set with kind expression
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- - Skier sat in a daze, beginning to see stars
- - star symbols used in text
- - Stars of the publishing world
- - Star-like footnote marks
- - Some 'M*A*S*H' characters
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- - Character on keyboard deviously tries to put in request
- - Character at the center of the Barry Bonds controversy
- - Star-shaped print character
- - Star-shaped character
- - One replacing character, perhaps to avoid offending star
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- - "Six foot, seven foot, eight foot ......!"
- - Set of items grouped together
- - "the brady ..."
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- - Mechanical device used in printing
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- [ Other definitions ]
- - Way of printing reading-matter
- - Who checks on president opening from suggested text?
- - Estate agent maybe before succeeded with singular printing method
- - printing the correspondence column?
- - Characters showing relief from disturbed rest slept round about
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