- - Circle around small lakes, heading north, most of them boring
- - Fly in a complete circle
- - Feature of serious roller-coasters
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- - Boring name, boring idol
- - Trite, cliched, boring
- - Put a stop to aluminium boring
- - boring outlaw half content
- - Unoriginal and boring
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- - Boring, boring without a listener
- - Boring date — back on eHarmony, ultimately
- - dull listener in waterless surroundings
- - Like a dark, rainy day
- - Gloomy doctor having a bad year
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- - Sailor heading north for mountain lake
- - Mountain lake formed by a small glacier
- - Malham ...., Yorkshire Dales glacial lake
- - Thick black liquid on northern mountain lake
- - Sailor on northern lake
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- - Something green seen heading north in Turtle Lake
- - Dark green superfood
- - vegetable found in stock, a leek
- - Dark green leafy vegetable
- - Vegetable rich in vitamin K, appropriately
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- - Oil carrier bound for north-west Africa heading north an hour away
- - British Energy unit regularly farms out oil producer
- - Citrus fruit whose oil gives Earl Grey tea its distinctive flavour
- - Oil embargo abandoned, ending in Kuwait
- - Flavoring for tea
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- - Circles rolling around other circles
- - Inner circles, in astronomy models
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- - Went wrong, mostly heading north to find Irish town
- - County town of Clare, Ireland
- - activity for sir andy, taking time off in county town
- - County Clare's chief town
- - Sport not originating in an Irish county town
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- - Lake ...... (after translation, "Lake Large Lake")
- - US state and one of the Great Lakes
- - By surface area, Lake .... is the world's largest lake entirely in one country
- - US Great Lake
- - Lake by which Chicago stands
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