Each of the starred clues' answers, or what these answers' starts collectively sound like : Crossword Clue

We have 1 Solutions

  • - Each of the starred clues' answers, or what these answers' starts collectively sound like
  • - Case of fortified wine chap tasted initially with water in Paris
  • - Case of actress Natalie being digitally enhanced I'm told
  • - case of trauma on pet is cured
  • - A term invented by Lewis Carroll for words such as brunch, chortle or smog
  • - *Like community government (Hint: Note the letters that bookend both words of each starred clue's answer … and what these letters collectively spell)
  • - Speaker of the Latin quote hidden in the answers to the starred clues ... and the English-language quote hidden in the answers to the double-starred clues
  • - Play and tragedy by William Shakespeare based on events from Roman history that has characters like Brutus and Mark Antony: 2 wds.
  • - Crosser of the Rubicon, 49 BC
  • - Ancient leader whose boast is hidden in 20-, 28- and 49-Across
  • - Attributed speaker of the circled words
  • - Payment promises … and what each of the starred clues' answers have acquired?
  • - Poker players' paper promises
  • - evidence of shortages, for short
  • - Short promises?
  • - Repayment promises
  • - What each successive starting word of the answers to starred clues is to the starting word that precedes it
  • - Equivalent word
  • - Word meaning the same
  • - Another word for the same thing
  • - word matching another in pronunciation or spelling yet differing in meaning
  • - "Get ready!" ... or what to do upon hearing the ends of the answers to the starred clues?
  • - Daredevil driver's warning to a passenger
  • - "Rough ride ahead!"
  • - *Make a mistake … and what the answers to the starred clues do, in two ways?
  • - make a mistake ... or a clue to this puzzle's theme
  • - Fail on a field?
  • - Mishandle a situation
  • - Fail to get a job done
  • - Terrestrial bodies closest to the sun … or what you'll find in the starred clues' answers
  • - quartet encircled by the asteroid belt
  • - fantasy sports enthusiast, or what each of the ends of answers to asterisked clues is
  • - Get some rest … or what to do with the end of the previous answer to solve each starred clue
  • - Have a brief rest
  • - Remove half of them from Number 10 and relax
  • - Open 15 across with key to workers' home starting off to relax
  • - Relax (and title of this puzzle)
Crossword Clues by Letters: