- - Flirtatiously shy or demure
- - shy and sly
- - Shy, reluctant
- - Short word for shy and bashful
- - Pretending to be shy
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- - Talked to flirtatiously
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- - Talk flirtatiously to someone
- - make small talk with
- - Talk flirtatiously
- - Talk to flirtatiously, to a Brit
- - Flirt with (someone)
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- - Eyed flirtatiously
- - Eyed defensive error with glower?
- - girl prompted to go behind opening and eyed
- - Eyed amorously
- - Eyed cheesecake
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- - Look at flirtatiously
- - Googled godforsaken look
- - Not a nice way to look at a section of the dogleg?
- - look nothing more than a broken leg
- - Make sheep's eyes at nothing, having broken leg
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