- - gentleman crossing roads irritably
- - The gentleman didn't allow father to finish
- - Gentleman will abruptly lift this up.
- - Formal address to a gentleman
- - Honoured gentleman sounding a bit subservient?
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- - Gentleman's gentleman allowed to follow Virginia
- - Servant allowed to follow Virginia
- - One to tip
- - he serves to lose half the dole in tax
- - Man first to abominate large check trousers
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- - Deferential gentleman's gentleman describes Sancho Panza to Don Quixote, for instance
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- - Gentleman's gentleman
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- - Irritably; like an exam?
- - Did exam last Monday and got cranky
- - acting like a grump
- - like some people before their morning coffee
- - at an examination why are you so irritable?
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- - Say irritably
- - .... at; answer sharply & irritably
- - Say "look here" with two fingers
- - Speak irritably
- - Easy A, say
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- - speaks irritably about photographs?
- - as produced by ill-tempered photographer
- - Reacts irritably
- - Speaks harshly
- - Photographs
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