German article : Crossword Clue

We have 9 Solutions

  • - German article
  • - German masculine indefinite article
  • - German for one
  • - "ich spreche nur ...... bisschen deutsch" ("i only speak a little german")
  • - Herr's article
  • - German article
  • - German masculine article meaning "of the"
  • - "... Spiegel" (German magazine whose name means "The Mirror")
  • - article about a hamburger?
  • - Masculine German article
  • - German article
  • - The German for 'fade'
  • - Feminine German article
  • - German article
  • - Gender-neutral German article
  • - German neuter form of "the"
  • - German articles
  • - Neuter German article
  • - German article
  • - German "a," as in Mozart's "... Kleine Nachtmusik"
  • - Lied article
  • - otto's article
  • - Hamburg article
  • - German article
  • - Perennial subject of articles
  • - Watch your weight in Parliament!
  • - German article
  • - German indefinite article
  • - ...... Tages (someday, in German)
  • - German ones.
  • - German pronoun.
  • - German article
  • - German indefinite article
  • - "Wir glauben all an ...... Gott" (Lutheran hymn)
  • - German article
  • - Feminine German article
  • - German "unit."
  • - German pronoun.
  • - Augsburg article
  • - The French article and the German article?
  • - an article to be followed
  • - First violin starts the cassette tape
  • - Dealer determines the golfer doing best
  • - Follow the ...
  • - Criminal German lady, one revered in German article
  • - Criminal trades fur in a terrible fashion
  • - Criminal fake fur trades
  • - ...... criminal
  • - one who engages in deceptive practices for financial gain
  • - A used article given in part payment for the purchase of a new article
  • - Second-hand article as part of a deal
  • - I ranted about item given in part-payment
  • - Part of exchange gleaned from vocal board row
  • - Part-exchange
  • - Advocate English article following French article
  • - Article put online by discontented Labourite's follower
  • - A job the French take on as one of twelve followers
  • - A job with the French champion
  • - A job left by English missionary
  • - Replying to article on cursing, getting another article rejected
  • - Responding (to)
  • - Replying to a call containing bad news
  • - Replying
  • - On kind of service.
  • - Sea article, for instance (English article)
  • - Sea that lies between Greece and Turkey
  • - A gene mutation follows a location for Rhodes
  • - Greek/Turkish sea
  • - sea at one end of the dardanelles
  • - Articles in French and English and articles of a specific type may be badly informed
  • - Uninformed (of)
  • - ignorant french one seen before a sport, say
  • - Blue Berets are defending Washington in the dark
  • - Ignorant uncle starts a war with the second generation
  • - Article after article with added mass ' letter-sorter can handle it
  • - experienced letter sorters should find it easy
  • - Word or phrase formed by rearranging letters of another
  • - it can be worked out by the letter sorter
  • - word made from the letters of others
  • - beneath french and german articles
  • - Working for international organisation backed by the German
  • - Headless vandal the German brings down
  • - beneath some newly found errors
  • - Short of a French wine to serve up
Crossword Clues by Letters: