- - joe, a six footer, is a great fellow
- - A huge great gnat flying around one
- - Scotsman devoured by great big monster
- - Huge! Joe worker
- - The Iron ... (animated classic about a boy who befriends an alien robot)
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- - Great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather of Noah
- - ... MacFarlane of "Family Guy"
- - Vikram ..., author of "A Suitable Boy"
- - Son of Adam said to sound archaic
- - third son of adam and eve; given by god in place of the murdered abel
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- - Nabisco cookie that Trader Joe's "Joe-Joe's" are similar to
- - Cookie with layers
- - Big Stuf or Double Stuf cookie
- - Cookie whose current slogan is Stay Playful
- - Kind of cookie with two colors
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- [ Other definitions ]
- - Great-great-great-great-great-grandfather of Noah
- - Eve's grandson (anagram of "nose")
- - actress mireille of "the catch" and "the killing"
- - eldest son of seth, in the bible
- - slaughter or cabell of baseball
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- - "Six foot, seven foot, eight foot ......!"
- - Set of items grouped together
- - "the brady ..."
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- [ Other definitions ]
- - Joe Six-Pack's are probably not a six-pack
- - Six-pack units, in brief
- - Muscles in a pack, for short
- - Six-pack muscles, informally
- - Muscles in six-packs
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- - Campaign about which Rumsfeld said in 2003 "it could last six days, six weeks - I doubt six months"
- - conflict in ahmed saadawi's novel "frankenstein in baghdad"
- - Intelligence about artist giving rise to natural conflict
- - It began with "shock and awe"
- - Conflict that began in March 2003
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- - Six-foot-five funny fellow
- - Surname of the actor who portrayed Basil Fawlty
- - who played basil fawlty?
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- - Six-foot six-toed Aussie
- - Big Aussie avian
- - Six-footer Down Under
- - Bird that can be six feet tall
- - Bird that can be more than six feet tall
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