- - joke over american in a besotted state
- - Senile joke with the Academy head
- - Lady ..., "A Star is Born" actress
- - informally however, queen is a divine being
- - A joke about being doddery
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- - Duke besotted over maiden at once
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- - Exotic lover? Over being embraced by a Martian that's besotted
- - Lover recalling some threat a Roman issued
- - beloved one getting back at a roman
- - soon despicable fellow gets a woman to have close relationship
- - Lover shortly meeting a sailor from the East
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- - What shall we do with this sailor who is besotted?
- - dutch manage to get chap intoxicated
- - Medic, depressed, not initially dissipated
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- - Came slowly out of a doze, besotted with love
- - Gave off, in a way
- - Came out with an outrageous ode about Australia!
- - Seeped slowly, like tree sap
- - Ran slowly, like goo
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- - besotted, fuss with phone
- - Loving the fuss over the boxing venue
- - full of love, makes fuss over symbol of engagement
- - loving to make a fuss concerning a jewellery item
- - loving to make much fuss over an item of jewellery
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- - Rising boxer with long hair entertains party — she's besotted
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- - From the outset, besotted Romeo adored virtues of Juliet?
- - daring villain; what the police might call a "b"
- - Shout of appreciation
- - the cry of an assassin?
- - First couple of breakfast eggs served up well done
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- - Besotted girl bewailed losing knight
- - Besotted woman married the Times boss?
- - Being in love changes demeanour
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- - Region of space between Mars and Jupiter — besotted liar (anag)
- - Discover pastel retro Dior accessory which is out of this world!
- - One means of improving athletic performance: live with military officer somewhere beyond Mars!
- - Region between Mars and Jupiter (2 words)
- - band pursuing a hormone somewhere beyond mars
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