- - Jotter taped on, badly
- - Writing equipment Ed had on tap curiously
- - Write on this — not extended record, short announcement
- - On which there can be no cryptically taped message
- - Journalist's jotter
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- - A banana duct-taped to the wall to some
- - What a muse might inspire
- - verb in the lord's prayer
- - He's made a name for himself in painting
- - It may be inspired by a muse
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- - *Neighborhood notice taped to a telephone pole
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- - Taped in advance
- - Of a videotape, not blank
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- - Taped us changing latest news reports
- - Pat sued over latest reports
- - Latest reports keep up with romantic liaisons
- - Doctor paused taking temperature for latest news
- - Taped us breaking news
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- - Getting down details - one may have it taped
- - refurbishing the string section as on the tape?
- - Audio creation in a studio
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- - Maurizio, artist of a banana duct-taped to a wall
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- - Taped in expert style
- - Expert in a reduced department
- - expert leading academic division, in short
- - Expert having tendency to conceal notes
- - expert, suitable, going round delaware
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- - Not taped, as a radio broadcast
- - 'As I .. and breathe!'
- - Foul lifts not recorded
- - be at home on stage, with a different sound
- - terribly evil, as it happens
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- - part that's taped before a horse race
- - "People say that if you find water rising up to your., that's the time to do something about it, not when it's around your neck": Chinua Achebe
- - Lean around top of knee, or joint that was turned
- - Easily twisted foot part
- - Harry Kane describing length: 'It's just over a foot'
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