- - Aloof, reserved
- - cold – it's often covered in ice!
- - Cold stall in Billingsgate?
- - Like the cold seafood seller?
- - Aloof, with pets in it?
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- - seller of, eg, cod
- - Sole supplier supplying orders of Bass
- - seafood seller
- - seafood retailer
- - Seafood merchant
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- - Part the cad needed to play
- - The cad prepared to take off
- - The cad is out to break the engagement
- - Take away — the cad (anag)
- - Remove from contact
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- - Terrace (anag.)
- - One supplying the party spread
- - One providing the food and drink
- - those away from home might rely on him for the fare
- - one bringing food from the terrace
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- - Hold back in uncertainty
- - He eats it messily in dither
- - Pause in indecision
- - Hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness
- - Hold back in making a decision
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- - Something one has to have when pro is in a mess?
- - Given this, heir's now drunk on power
- - Conditions worsen in fashion dominion
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- - Garment keeping water away from the skin when diving
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