- - natural manure found in nicaragua, notably
- - manure composed chiefly of seabird excrement
- - bat excrement, in other words
- - fertiliser from nicaragua no longer used
- - Manure from sea birds
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- - Vehicle found in Nicaragua
- - Heeled motor vehicle for personal transportation
- - Endlessly worry this is too costly to manufacture in the UK?
- - concern shortly in saloon, maybe
- - Item in a traffic jam
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- - Applied manure to garden and drive, and scattered seeds
- - Urged to change top getting dolled up
- - Prepared to take away silver in horse competition on day
- - Decent, so to speak
- - Third Kiss album "...... to Kill"
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- - Figure manure was spread on lake
- - Figure, name unknown, spread around river
- - Hesitation to enter 20, possibly, as a figure
- - Man rule out figure?
- - Figure, digit
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- - Ridicules fellow trailing manure aboard ship
- - Many Mel Brooks movies
- - Comedic sendups
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- - Repeat manure routine, overturning clump
- - Repeat broadcast on the subject of cricket score
- - repeat lecturer unexpectedly shrunk somewhat
- - repeat broadcast
- - A repeat on television
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- - 14-1 has time for Brussels to mature with a bit of manure in plot
- - plan to take fat slags from behind?
- - Bad start with faulty game plan
- - a device levels stone
- - deceptive plan to put something precious under the beds
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- - Type of combat in which manure is thrown by duke?
- - the sort of combat in which one is not 'urt!
- - Perhaps not dangerous, or safe in the East End
- - Rude man badly lacking means of defence
- - Like victims of police brutality, sometimes
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- - Where manure is put in
- - the silo is so dirty with it!
- - In Valparaiso I left some stain
- - Material in a pot
- - Dirt a plant grows in
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