- - Northern European city
- - Finland's capital city
- - City brothels in Kiribati protected
- - European city's nameless man left basin with me
- - He's left inside writing material for institute in The City
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- [ Other definitions ]
- - European city? Very European city
- - Very pleasant housing close to one Italian city
- - City of wet streets
- - italian city with many gondoliers
- - City built on 118 small islands
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- [ Other definitions ]
- - european city to repay, backing shifting a european position?
- - Major Swiss city and lake
- - Swiss city where the World Health Organization is headquartered
- - city and lake of switzerland
- - Swiss city that's home to the International Red Cross
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- [ Other definitions ]
- - Composer in European city missing northern Australia
- - Louis-Hector .., French composer known for his Symphonie fantastique
- - hector ..., composer of the operas beatrice et benedict and les troyens
- - Composer somewhere in Germany briefly joins Australian
- - "The Aristocats" kitten, or his composer namesake Hector
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- [ Other definitions ]
- - Northern European city that starts and ends with the same letter
- - Some are too slow for the city
- - City some go slow in, say
- - some school's opening with backing in scandinavian capital
- - City formerly known as Christiania
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- [ Other definitions ]
- - Cheesed off about north European city
- - city in the e netherlands which houses the rijksmuseum twenthe
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- - Going north, say, in European city to find another
- - Norwegian port seen in December generally
- - The second-largest city in Norway
- - Oily port produced in 21 down
- - Port city of Norway
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- [ Other definitions ]
- - Northern city characters turning up to eat a northern fish
- - Slender fish, aka lances,
- - fish found in south and east direction on lake
- - fish from south not available in w yorks city
- - Very small fish that burrows into beaches
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- [ Other definitions ]
- - City in north central North Carolina
- - N.C. city
- - North Carolina city
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- [ Other definitions ]