- - One in jam here sadly is a doleful character
- - Bullfrog/good friend in Three Dog Night's "Joy to the World"
- - Bullfrog in a Three Dog Night hit
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- - Doleful comic strip character.
- - Army cartoon character
- - Extremely inept person
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- - ballet character recalled in part by yvette, dolefully
- - Princess in Swan Lake
- - Main female character in "Swan Lake"
- - The White Swan, in 'Swan Lake'
- - White Swan in 'Swan Lake'
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- - a doleful tale from jim reade
- - List of woes, like that of a Hebrew prophet
- - In Paris I read about this writer's rejected complaint
- - Tale of woe
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- - Guess about 550, dolefully
- - deplorably cunning about a little publicity
- - Talk about Daniel ends in dismal manner
- - i'm afraid to speak about darlington
- - Woefully speak about diamonds left
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- - "......," said Tom dolefully
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- - Most doleful
- - Most unhappy dad's set to change
- - dad sets out to be most unfortunate
- - Most unhappy, couple of dukes in awful seats
- - Most sorrowful
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- - Doleful word
- - Lamenting word
- - Lamentation word
- - Word with a sigh
- - Wistful word
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- - Doleful noisemakers.
- - Clangers
- - funny bloomers for the babes?
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- - Doleful, plaintive
- - Plaintive
- - treat flu on rum when depressed
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