- - One who can predict the future
- - Future-telling type, supposedly
- - observe the end of the weather forecaster!
- - one's not blind to the future
- - Person with future prospects?
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- [ Other definitions ]
- - "I can predict the future" letters
- - Foresight letters
- - "I just knew it" feeling, in brief
- - A clairvoyant would know what letters go here
- - Power of predicting future events: Abbr.
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- - "who can predict the future?"
- - 'It could happen'
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- - One who predicts the future using the position of the planets
- - he works with the stars
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- - ... pouring, German New Year's Eve tradition that's meant to predict one's future
- - Start of a detective's trail
- - Pencil's inner
- - Youth holding end of poodle's leash
- - if you want to be a conductor, go ahead!
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- [ Other definitions ]
- - One claiming to predict future meeting editor? Get very angry
- - Visionary leader on paper to get angry
- - notice communist get mad
- - Suddenly become very angry
- - Get angry note dictated by leftist
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- [ Other definitions ]
- - One who predicts future events
- - Moses was one
- - One who might predict return for listener
- - One who looks ahead
- - One who divines the future
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- - One predicts future star remixing old record by Queen
- - One may offer a fortune for a house
- - Studier of the stars
- - He analyses the stars
- - Assembled legators, or one offering fortune
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- [ Other definitions ]
- - One way of "predicting" the future.
- - read from the bottom of a cup?
- - *Bits steeped in a bag (Theme hint: Say the first words of the starred clues' answers in order)
- - Not even the cat fails to eat what's left in the pot
- - Reading material for the future?
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