- - org. that was an early adopter of differential cryptanalysis
- - Govt. org. with cryptanalysts
- - secretive dod org.
- - Org. protecting U.S. information systems
- - SIGINT-gathering org.
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- [ Other definitions ]
- - Practice cryptanalysis
- - Antonym of encipher
- - decypher
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- - Math class with integrals and differentials, for short
- - High-level math course briefly
- - Math course with derivatives for short
- - Advanced math, in brief
- - integral part of a high-school education, briefly?
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- [ Other definitions ]
- - Differential component
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- [ Other definitions ]
- - Solar-lunar differentials
- - Solar year/lunar year differentials
- - Periods added to harmonize the lunar and solar calendars
- - Lunar-year differences
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- [ Other definitions ]