- - possibly strays in the woods
- - Horny beasts, in two ways
- - Strays on the rampage with goat men
- - Playful tots in Botticelli's "Venus and Mars"
- - Figures in ribald Greek plays
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- - A sea chest, possibly? Possibly, possibly
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- - Alley strays
- - Alley yowlers
- - Persian and alley
- - Alley tally
- - Alley and cool
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- - Forgetful cat strays into sty
- - Forgetful, disorganised
- - Forgetful and lacking focus
- - Forgetful
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- - Yields and strays — into such transgression?
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- - strays devoured the last bit of leftovers, following indian madam
- - Turns aside or away from
- - Goes awry
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- - One who strays with no minor hesitations
- - hesitation twice expressed by mature two-timer
- - Is not faithful to grown-up with two cockney girls
- - Who later rued straying?
- - Dater involved with breaking rule?
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- - I was put out about noisy strays
- - Street strays
- - Little strays
- - Strays' companions.
- - Strays
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- - Rescuer, albeit of strays
- - Vessel for rescue at sea
- - Fail to be excited seeing rescue service
- - It will come to the rescue, if able to anyhow
- - Rescue craft, if able to anyway
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