- - quaker takes moments for revelation
- - In art, an underlying image that's been painted over
- - 1973 Lillian Hellman book
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- - "...... familia con suerte" (telenovela that won both Best Male Revelation and Best Female Revelation at the 2012 TVyNovelas)
- - The girl from the saunas
- - Old Irish female name which is anglicised as Oona or Oonagh
- - The .., Suffragist magazine launched in 1853
- - Girl in the sauna?
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- - Quaker-to-Quaker word
- - The key to what you were once
- - "Shall I compare ... to a summer's day?" by William Shakespeare
- - the last word of "o canada"
- - "Shall I compare ... to a summer's day?"
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- - Quaker, to Quaker
- - informal term meaning 'to add to a list of contacts on a social networking site'
- - Companion is reluctant at first to stab monster
- - father to dine out with an acquaintance
- - Fiend has right to be a pal
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- - Moment of sudden and great revelation
- - Moment of sudden realisation
- - english drunk in happy moment of revelation
- - Sudden realization
- - Moment of sudden revelation (involving three wise men from the east?)
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- - Moments of revelation
- - cries after revelations
- - Sounds of revelation
- - revelatory moments, slangily
- - Lightbulb moments
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- - .... moment: revelation
- - ... moment (moment of sudden realization)
- - ...... moment [solver's breakthrough]
- - ... moment (when everything clicks)
- - Exclamation upon a lightbulb moment
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