- - Quickly take
- - Quickly pick up
- - Greedily take
- - Take what one can, and brag about it
- - Take canal boat nearly all the way back
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- - Quickly, quickly
- - Letters that mean "quickly!"
- - Quickly, in memos: Abbr.
- - As-quickly-as-you-can-do-it letters
- - Super-quickly, on a memo: Abbr.
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- - Reached quickly, quickly?
- - Used GroupMe say
- - cyberchatted with, briefly
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- - Intermission quickly taken with first meal
- - fat baker's meal
- - for interval, quick meal
- - Baker baked quick meal
- - the titular meal eaten at the jewelry store tiffany's in truman capote's novella
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- - one refuses to take sustenance more quickly
- - he refuses to eat more quickly
- - One who eats less more quickly
- - More rapidly
- - more securely tied up in less time
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- - See red drop of alcohol's still taken quickly
- - Picture may take a goalkeeper by surprise
- - Photo of Covid protection following the card game
- - Food's roasting still
- - photo a sniper might take?
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- - Quickly take part?
- - quickly get hold of a piece of music
- - Small part of Society? Of course
- - bit of song one should quickly grasp?
- - Take a little time
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- - a step taken quickly
- - Quickly, swiftly rapidly
- - aesop voided one quickly
- - Father brought back expert quickly
- - A piano expert is fast
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