- - Rotten meat in deli was removed
- - Removed, eradicated
- - Removed
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- - "Rotten" indicator on Rotten Tomatoes
- - Symbol of a bad rating on Rotten Tomatoes
- - hit-with-tomato sound
- - tomato impact
- - Green symbol on Rotten Tomatoes
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- - rotten famine, rotten breakdown
- - Process used in producing alcohol
- - Agitation to deprive state of leader is part of the process brewing in The Beer Cellar
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- - Film declared 'Rotten' on Rotten Tomatoes, perhaps
- - Failure on stage (inf)
- - A film that fails
- - Film at the start cut results in failure
- - Film producer's failure
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- - Ore removed from rotten explosives
- - Yellow explosive
- - Explosive originally used as a yellow dye
- - explosive chemical
- - Miner's explosive initials
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- - meat loaf mostly rotten food
- - Breakfast food also known as porridge
- - Food nothing at all? Not quite — this person tucked in
- - Fawn; food
- - Endless meatloaf served up as breakfast food
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- - Scrap rotten bit of meat
- - Cricket side pretty lacking in energy, a bit left
- - Scrap a cricket stroke?
- - Old fellows ignored remnant of material
- - Remnant scrap of fabric or wood
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- - Meat that everyone thinks is rotten but then it turns out to be some of the best barbecue ever?
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- - Hunk of meat, bad or rotten
- - Meat board turned out dish
- - Spoilt or bad meat in hunk
- - *Handsome guy or gorgeous gal
- - Ship of fancy.
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