- - strange toe-nail brings great happiness!
- - great joy in breaking toenail
- - Feeling of great joy or happiness
- - a line to produce great pleasure
- - Great joy when family member doesn't start
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- - Who said "Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action."
- - Old PM is with artist opening shop
- - 19th-century figure who was twice uk prime minister
- - Ex-PM‘s dodgy deal is dire at heart
- - British P.M. who said "justice is truth in action"
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- - Great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather of Noah
- - ... MacFarlane of "Family Guy"
- - Vikram ..., author of "A Suitable Boy"
- - Son of Adam said to sound archaic
- - third son of adam and eve; given by god in place of the murdered abel
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- - Great-great-great-great-great-grandfather of Noah
- - Eve's grandson (anagram of "nose")
- - actress mireille of "the catch" and "the killing"
- - eldest son of seth, in the bible
- - slaughter or cabell of baseball
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- - Avian bringer of happiness
- - What do you call a depressed avian
- - North American songbird (seen over the White Cliffs of Dover?)
- - Name of various vehicles used by the Campbell family to set land and water speed records
- - US flier (but never seen over the white cliffs of Dover)
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- - Bring happiness to
- - Euripides' first account brought back, to fill with joy?
- - cause to be euphoric
- - Please to pieces
- - Give joyful news to
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- - Bring two sides together? To do so will result in happiness for Micawber
- - Idiom meaning to earn just enough to live on
- - Introduce objectives to achieve financial security
- - Tie the knot and manage to get by
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- - Office letters that bring happiness?
- - "The weekend's almost here!" letters
- - Yay the weekend! letters
- - acronym whose second letter can stand for "goodness"
- - "What a week" letters
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