- - Ultra-famous
- - Larger than large, say
- - embrace eastern giant
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- - Midge ...., Ultravox singer
- - Rich Kids member Midge
- - "No Regrets" Midge
- - Midge ...., co-organizer of the Live Aid benefit concert
- - Ultravox frontman Midge
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- - Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra competitor
- - Tablet computer that competes with the Galaxy Tab
- - Fire tablet competitor
- - Galaxy Tab rival from Apple
- - Galaxy competitor
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- - Ultra...... radiation is the part of the Sun's light that causes tanning and sunburn
- - flower at the end of the rainbow
- - The end of the rainbow?
- - There's no end of brown in intense colour
- - see it growing? love it and the way it changes
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- - Ultrasound system using signals and echoes
- - It detects its echo on substrata or foundations
- - Younger relative is given a hand system for underwater detection
- - navigation system brings boy to a river
- - Submarine detection system letters
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- - device that may emit ultraviolet light
- - Domestic light
- - Lava ... (retro light source)
- - a 50 ampere light?
- - Mobile light
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- - Primitive artist partly responsible for 'Wondrous Sea, Ultramarine'
- - primitive painter showing topless bride's outfit
- - French painter Henri known for 'The Sleeping Gypsy'
- - "The Hungry Lion" artist
- - french philosopher trapped by monstrous sea urchins
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- - Maker Of UltraProtect Shave Cream And Honey Apple Lip Balm
- - Dawn deity or a lip balm brand
- - Lip balm brand in spherical containers
- - Lip balm brand with a Toasted Marshmallow flavor
- - ovoid lip-balm brand
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- - Color akin to ultramarine
- - element down in the shade
- - Pigment used in glassmaking
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- - cerulean, denim, ultramarine ...
- - colorful description of fast, colorful language
- - Chatterbox's utterance
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