- - Applaud a power demand
- - A speaker's right to applaud
- - A hundred demand applause
- - Honour a bill on demand
- - Commend a declaration given in speech
- - a couple of conservatives left with design getting public praise
- - applaud a wage demand, we hear
- - commend what one asserts a right to, we hear
- - Approval from a county council shifting mail
- - applaud a demand on the insurer, we hear
- - A petition involving clubs gets praise
- - applaud a justified demand, we hear
- - Praise for a couple of colleges in Alabama getting the point of the exercise
- - Approval from a city council redirecting mail
- - Cheers
- - Praise a Conservative allegation
- - Chasing a double century, I will have hit all round -- to get this?
- - Cheer from 250 in a train
- - Praise ace with 250 — ace Izetti is!
- - applaud a wage demand, say
- - express approval of what has been staked, one hears
- - To applaud, salute with sounds of joy, approval
- - Praise with enthusiasm
- - Crack up under current allegation
- - Welcome current demand
- - Recognition of electric current demand
- - Welcome account — one saying little about India
- - An assertion, outspoken, getting praise
- - current demand brings great appreciation
- - Great approval
- - applaud an application to the insurance company, we hear
- - Hail as
- - Cheering
- - Praise publicly
- - Enthusiastic praise
- - Public praise
- - Current demand for applause
- - Triumph one's driven to celebrate
- - Plaudits
- - Rave about account by Sue
- - Great praise
- - Enthusiastic approval
- - Recognition
- - Applause
- - Strong approval
- - Salute with gusto
- - Welcome with joy
- - Discontinued Plymouth model
- - Accolades
- - High praise
- - Praise
- - Applaud
- - 'Kudos!'
- - Credit
- - Hail -
- - enthusiastic and public praise
- - Honour bill on demand
- - show approval of an assertion made by bill
- - To praise someone or something publicly
- - praise as coup starts, say
- - loudly applaud what is demanded of the insurance company, we hear
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