- - Pleasant remembrance
- - Swirling fog later with fading light
- - Residual light as fog later dispersed
- - post-coital bliss
- - Radiation left wolf with great metamorphoses
- - Lasting radiance shaking Great Wolf
- - Pleasure of remembering something nice
- - Light once the actual source has gone
- - Light in the sky post sunset
- - Residual light when initial fog later dispersed
- - Post-sunset radiance
- - Back down about amount of energy in fading light
- - Great wolf running from the evening light
- - Fog later obscured west's trace of sunset
- - Sunset remnant
- - Good feeling that lingers
- - Sunset phenomenon
- - Reaction to past splendor
- - Lingering luminescence
- - Sunset beauty.
- - Twilight
- - 1997 comedy-drama film starring nick nolte and julie christie
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