- - Forename of navigator Vespucci after whom America was named
- - Map-maker Vespucci
- - Explorer Vespucci
- - Explorer Vespucci for whom the New World was named
- - Navigator Vespucci
- - Italian explorer Vespucci
- - Mapmaker Vespucci
- - Cartographer Vespucci
- - Adventurous Vespucci
- - New World Explorer Vespucci
- - Vespucci
- - Signor Vespucci.
- - Sr. Vespucci.
- - Famed first name in navigation
- - New World eponym
- - First name among Italian explorers
- - New World namesake
- - Name after which the New World is named
- - Our eponym
- - Eponym for our continent
- - He "lives" in two continents
- - The New World's eponymous explorer.
- - He named half a world.
- - First name of a famous explorer.
- - First name in exploring
- - First name in exploration
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