➠ APSIS - 5 Letters : Crossword Clue

We have 1 Solutions

  • - Either of two extremes in an orbit
  • - Closest or farthest orbit point
  • - A planet's first relative point in orbit
  • - Extreme point in an orbit
  • - Astronomical point
  • - 44 Down point
  • - Orbital points
  • - Higher.......... (orbital point)
  • - Moon's apogee or perigee
  • - Point on a lunar orbit
  • - Eccentric orbit point
  • - Point in orbit of the moon.
  • - Point in the orbit of the moon.
  • - One of two points in an orbit.
  • - Orbital point, in astronomy.
  • - Higher or lower point in a planet's orbit.
  • - Apogee or perigee of the moon.
  • - The apogee or perigee of the moon.
  • - Extreme point in celestial orbit.
  • - Point in the moon's orbit.
  • - Orbital point
  • - Orbit part
  • - Farthest orbit point
  • - Point in orbit
  • - Point in an orbit
  • - Orbit point.
  • - Either of the points in the elliptical orbit of a planet or comet where it is closest to or furthest from the sun
  • - Architectural projection (Var.)
  • - Apogee or perigee
  • - Projecting part of a building.
  • - Orbital position
  • - Orbital extreme
  • - Architectural recess
  • - Altar locale
  • - Architectural projection
Crossword Clues by Letters: