- - To be eager to do something
- - Earnestly desire praise perhaps
- - Aim to be quiet when anger spreads around
- - Desperately want to be a pinnacle of the church
- - Have hopes ("I ... to be a doctor," e.g.)
- - Have ambitious plans for
- - Desire earnestly.
- - Be ambitious
- - Have a strong desire to achieve something
- - Have an ambitious plan or lofty goal
- - Be a wannabe
- - Have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal
- - Eagerly desire to have a dreamy Oxford feature
- - Be ambitious, desire eagerly
- - Have hopes that may never be fulfilled
- - Have an ambitious plan
- - Strongly desire
- - Not be resigned to one's lot
- - Eagerly wish
- - Desire eagerly
- - Desire strongly
- - Desire
- - Dream of achieving
- - wish for a steeple
- - Rise high like magpie circling rook
- - Hope for cryptic praise
- - Aim, when ripe, to cook
- - Strive for higher things
- - Aim at a high church feature
- - Show ambition
- - Characters from Persia have high hopes
- - Hope a father can sustain pressure
- - ordering pears, i have ambition
- - Have a target
- - show some ambition to reform persia
- - A father secures power to rise to a great height
- - aim for, with "to"
- - Aim (to do something)
- - Hope loftily
- - Aim for a high position in church?
- - Direct one's hopes to a rising structure
- - what the church may have to aim at
- - tower up
- - hope for a steeple
- - Strive, pursue
- - Have ambitions (to)
- - Pursue, strive
- - dream big as pier is rebuilt
- - harbor lofty ambitions
- - Aim a pistol originally confiscated by father
- - Desperately long for a pinnacle for the church
- - Aim for wash, spin, dry, yes? Take clothes off!
- - long snake with anger
- - yearn for new praise
- - Set one's heart on a top part
- - Hope towards achieving something
- - Aim, as before, to trap one
- - strive for high things
- - have ambitions for unrestrained praise
- - have ambitions for a high place in the church?
- - Yearn for a steeple
- - Work towards
- - yearn to find a steeple
- - to strive for higher things is a feature of the church
- - Seek lofty goals
- - Hope, in a way
- - Hope to acheive
- - Hitch one's wagon to a star
- - Have big plans
- - Have big dreams
- - Have an ambition
- - Aim toward
- - Aim for the top
- - 1990s Ford
- - Have a taste for
- - Strive to reach
- - Seek
- - "...... wish"
- - Aspire
- - Hanker after.
- - Have ambitions
- - Have high hopes
- - Aim for higher things
- - Have lofty goals
- - Set a high goal
- - Have hopes (to)
- - Seek (to do something)
- - Have great plans
- - Set lofty goals
- - Shoot for, with 'to'
- - Have as a goal
- - Dream when given ripe bananas
- - Set one's sights on, with 'to'
- - Aim high
- - Have goals
- - Hunger as king tucks into pie
- - Have a lofty goal
- - A father must entertain quiet hope
- - Dream
- - More than dream
- - Verb from the Latin for "breathe upon"
- - Have high ambitions
- - Have hopes
- - Set one's heart on, with 'to'
- - Have grand plans
- - Have lofty dreams
- - Aim when facing pressure and anger
- - Have a lofty ambition
- - Have ambitions for one of them in O'Connell Street
- - Set a lofty goal
- - Hope to see a steeple
- - Have dreams
- - Reach for the stars
- - Have grand ambitions
- - Seek ambitiously
- - Hopeful's term
- - Have lofty aims in reforming Persia
- - Shoot for the moon
- - Harbor high hopes
- - Head dropping, despair at work? The opposite
- - Hope to make a steeple
- - Long for (with "to")
- - Hope (to achieve)
- - Aim for a high place in the Church
- - Work toward a goal
- - Reach for the sky
- - Have as a goal, with "to"
- - Hope (to)
- - Dream big
- - Aim (to)
- - Seek, with "to"
- - Have a goal
- - Harbor an ambition (to)
- - Have ambition
- - Set goals
- - Part 2 of quip
- - Have big plans (to)
- - Aim ambitiously
- - Set one's sights
- - Have as a purpose
- - Have a dream
- - Strive toward
- - Wish, with "to"
- - Wish for, with to
- - Yearn or steeple part?
- - Have political goals
- - Hope
- - Long (to)
- - Strive upward
- - Seek after
- - Shoot for
- - Covet
- - Have high goals
- - Yuppies do it
- - Have high objectives
- - Have one's heart set on
- - Reach for
- - Aim for
- - Strive
- - Aim
- - Really long
- - Yearn (for)
- - Yearn
- - 'Long ... . . .'
- - Have lofty ambitions
- - direct one's hopes towards getting praise sadly
- - Seek to achieve
- - To aim for a goal, ambition
- - Aim to achieve
- - have high hopes of getting unrestrained praise
- - strive for the highest praise, maybe
- - aim for a special irish exhibition's opening
- - Want something very much
- - have a lofty aim?
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