- - Crazy corner in bike racing? On the contrary
- - It's crazy to take a horse out of a race!
- - Crazy as a cricket club
- - Crazy brown horse eats turnip tops
- - Crazy
- - Horse keeping dry round the bend
- - loopy, daft
- - Unbalanced.
- - Pixilated
- - Tetched
- - Race in Cobh sounds like it's around the bend
- - Bananas and crackers
- - Horse keeps dry round the bend
- - Fruity
- - Eccentric, slangily
- - Chiropterous
- - Quite daft
- - Silly: Colloq.
- - Foolish: Slang.
- - Silly: Slang.
- - Insane: slang.
- - Off one's trolley
- - Nutty as a fruitcake
- - Nutso
- - Kooky
- - Loco
- - Off one's rocker
- - Crackers
- - Not all there?
- - Cuckoo
- - Balmy
- - Totally bonkers
- - Bananas
- - Insane
- - Daft
- - Cracked
- - Off-the-wall
- - Eccentric
- - Loony
- - 'Nuts!'
- - Bonkers
- - Around the bend
- - Silly
- - Mad
- - nora ..., character played by kathy staff
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