- - Scottish pole
- - Heavy wooden pole used in Scottish sports
- - section of a tree trunk thrown in highland games competitions
- - pole in a brace, perhaps
- - Pole tossed in Highland Games
- - One's tossed kind of red net away
- - Vehicle impaled by both ends of barge pole
- - What's held by athletic Aberdonian may be tossed
- - Pole about to live, right?
- - highland games tossing pole
- - Pole tossed in Scottish games
- - Scottish games pole
- - Game pole
- - Scottish tossed pole
- - pole tossed by a scot
- - taxi hesitates at the pole
- - Something tossed in the Highlands
- - Scottish pole that's an anagram of "brace"
- - Brace (anag) — pole
- - Pole thrown by Scots
- - It's tossed about, about bowled over
- - Heavy pole
- - Competition pole
- - Thing thrown in Scotland
- - Pole heaved by Scotsmen
- - Scottish throwing pole
- - In romantic Aberdeen, requirement for Highland fling?
- - Pole tossed by Scots
- - Pole tossed in Highlands competitions
- - Wooden pole
- - Gets thrown by Glaswegian from Belgium in mini
- - Pole heaved by Scots
- - Tree trunk tossed in Highland games
- - Be in crate that's tossed north of the border?
- - Log tossed by a Scotsman
- - Highland Games pole
- - Pole in a Scottish sport
- - Pole tossed in a Scottish competition
- - It's tossed in sport
- - Log tossed in competition
- - Missile in Scottish games
- - It's hurled in the Highlands
- - Pole tossed in competition
- - Pole for tossing
- - Tossing the ...... (Scottish Games competition)
- - Pole hurled in competition
- - Beam thrown in competitions
- - Log tossed in a Scottish competition
- - Beam tossed in a Scottish sport
- - Scottish game pole
- - Throwing pole in Scottish game
- - Gaelic game pole
- - Tree trunk in a Scottish sport
- - Pole in a Gaelic game
- - Pole used in Scottish games
- - Pole used in Gaelic games.
- - Pole tossed in a sport.
- - Pole, used in Gaelic game.
- - Pole, in a game.
- - Pole hurled in Gaelic games.
- - Pole thrown in a game.
- - Pole thrown in Gaelic game.
- - Pole thrown in a Gaelic game.
- - Pole thrown in Gaelic sport.
- - Pole thrown in a Highland game.
- - Beam tossed in a game.
- - ... pole
- - it's tossed in curve on road with no marks
- - item tossed in a scottish athletic event
- - log taxi with hesitation
- - log used to make a brace
- - Tossing the ......, Highland Games event
- - flying log?
- - brace fashioned from a tree trunk
- - Piece of timber usable as a brace
- - the best performer with this will win the toss
- - Highland Games equipment
- - Highland games log
- - MacPherson's missile?
- - Highland Games event
- - Highland athletic event
- - Beam thrown by a Scotsman
- - Brace to move what might be thrown
- - Thrown tree trunk
- - Scottish beam
- - Tree trunk for tossing
- - Something grasped by athletic Aberdonian?
- - Carriage with Queen that's elevated at 8
- - Highland Games item
- - Highland fling?
- - Beam thrown by Scotsmen
- - Highland Games necessity
- - Scots toss it
- - Highlander's fling?
- - Scottish Games need
- - Seventeen-foot-long log for tossing
- - Object of a highland fling?
- - Item for Scottish Games thrower
- - Scotsman's tossing-log
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