- - French city near a Chunnel terminus
- - Channel Tunnel terminus
- - Chunnel terminus
- - Orient Express terminus, once
- - Charlie sadly blocked by first of inspectors in French port
- - Bill is to raise and set sail for French port
- - French port whose name Queen Mary declared would be found written on her heart when she died
- - Charlie unfortunately keeping one in French port
- - French town whose burghers are represented in a Rodin sculpture in London's Victoria Tower Gardens
- - port near the chunnel
- - French city overlooking the Strait of Dover
- - Cold unfortunately trapping one in port
- - Mary Tudor said it would be found "lying in my heart"
- - French port opposite Dover
- - French ferry port
- - French port city overlooking the Strait of Dover
- - French port cold I'm afraid to say: one wrapped up
- - The nearest French port to England
- - Chunnel city
- - French city near the Chunnel
- - Roughly manoeuvred sail in French port
- - Northern French port
- - French town closest to England
- - City on the English Channel
- - French port on the Strait of Dover
- - City near one end of the Chunnel
- - Port with a hundred and one smuggled aboard unfortunately
- - Stop on the London-Paris train
- - Strait of Dover port
- - French city on the Strait of Dover
- - French port just up the coast from Boulogne
- - City with a view of the White Cliffs of Dover
- - Closest French town to England
- - City near the eastern end of the Chunnel
- - Seaport visible from Dover on clear days
- - French port on the English Channel
- - City on the Strait of Dover
- - Strait of Dover city
- - A ferry runs between it and Dover
- - French city closest to England
- - Endpoint for an English Channel swimmer
- - Destination from Dover
- - French port nearest England
- - Strait of Dover seaport
- - French port closest to England
- - French seaport closest to England
- - City opposite Dover
- - Strait of Dover sight
- - Dover neighbor
- - Channel city
- - French port city
- - It's over from Dover
- - Port on the Strait of Dover
- - French port on Strait of Dover
- - Dover-to-.......
- - French city opposite Dover.
- - Over the sea from Dover.
- - French seaport on Dover Strait.
- - Port in Sterne's "Sentimental Journey."
- - Strategic Channel port.
- - Seaport on "Rocket Coast."
- - Port 26 miles from Dover.
- - Captured rail center, N. W. France.
- - Port of France.
- - French seaport.
- - French Channel port.
- - French port
- - Channel port
- - French port facing Dover
- - N French city, found in Mary I's heart maybe
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