- - Blame; condemn as wrong
- - Condemn as wrong.
- - Tear off a strip when redness regularly appears during healing
- - curse it! two more points to take the blame for!
- - Remonstration
- - The note, you guarantee, will be disapproving
- - severe disapproval
- - reproof
- - Criticise harshly
- - Official reprimand
- - Express severe disapproval
- - Rebuke
- - Official reproach
- - Public rebuke
- - Official rebuke
- - Large number make certain you get blame
- - Formally reprove
- - Severe criticism or disapproval
- - Clubs make certain statement attributing blame
- - Formal disapproval
- - It's official? Rap is not for locals getting dressed up!
- - Formal rebuke
- - Harsh rebuke
- - Don't just chide
- - Public rap
- - Black mark for a senator
- - Harsh reprimand
- - Condemnation
- - Be critical
- - Reprehend
- - Criticize adversely.
- - Express disapproval of
- - Reproach.
- - Take to task
- - Blame
- - Criticise
- - Criticize
- - Rebuke severely
- - Reprimand
- - Tongue-lashing
- - Disapproval
- - Many, you guarantee, will disapprove of
- - 100 make certain of blame
- - Adverse criticism
- - Rebuke or reprimand formally
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