- - Article on imperialist acquiring posh lover
- - counts are disturbed by a mistress
- - Loose woman roués can't upset
- - prostitute
- - a counter's upset by the mistress
- - Woo Sean Duff's mistress
- - Kept woman
- - Tune Oscar composed for mistress
- - A woman who's unusually sure -- no act!
- - Palace insider to woo Sane to move?
- - Mistress deciphering old Etruscan
- - Harlot
- - Satine's profession in 'Moulin Rouge!'
- - Mistress
- - A scent drifts around our mistress
- - Mistress of violent nature so cold initially
- - Nobleman's mistress
- - Aspasia.
- - mistress caught by aunt rose – awkward!
- - Historical mistress of a man of rank
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