- - Spooner led debtor to wrongly-addressed post
- - Spooner led debtor to undelivered mail
- - uncalled for correspondence
- - Useless correspondence guided bankrupt person, as Spooner might have said
- - law, no longer observed by deceased landlord
- - there's no demand for this article of mail
- - Undeliverable mail item
- - Law no longer observed
- - One that's passed over in the sorting office?
- - unclaimed mail left by deceased landlord apparently
- - law not enforced because the landlord was deceased
- - Flat landlord no longer observed legal requirements
- - law no longer applying to deceased landlord?
- - unenforced law
- - & 1 Down Somewhere to pick up messages coming from flat landlord let go
- - *Undeliverable bit of mail
- - Did it not survive being left in sealed container in a box?
- - Ineffectual law from the beginning of 11 across and 8 across
- - First four characters in 26 across get message that is obsolete
- - Law still in effect but no longer enforced
- - It's undeliverable
- - Law no longer enforced.
- - P. O. problem.
- - Any law no longer enforced.
- - Undeliverable piece of mail
- - Kind of office
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