- - Most of the glee in chopping up ladder is not pleasant
- - Queen in a fuddle? Bad -- very bad
- - Like the audience at a Bob Marley concert?
- - terrible fad ruled out
- - Terrible fraud led astray
- - Very bad doctor attached to feudal arrangement
- - Awful day to study with loud university student
- - Very bad lad Freud cured
- - Appalling child read full extract
- - Very bad
- - Atrocious, awful
- - Appalling, awful
- - Drive feudal changes? That's very bad
- - Grim study opens Family Unit set in Donegal
- - Extremely bad or disagreeable
- - Terrible outcome for lad Freud confused
- - Terrible lad Freud sorted out
- - Fraud led criminal to become very bad
- - Extremely bad
- - Very unpleasant lad Freud treated
- - Ghastly
- - Frightening
- - Terrible
- - Awful
- - Dire
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