➠ EBB - 3 Letters : Crossword Clue

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  • - Fall in the sea
  • - ... and flow refers to a recurrent pattern of coming and going
  • - Decline to be seen in webbing
  • - Decline to be known as Robert Browning's wife initially
  • - Go out and be back to first breakfast
  • - Go out [of tide]
  • - at first expected Biden to welcome British decline
  • - run away to sea?
  • - Flow back out
  • - Go out (tide)
  • - ... and flow (words related to tides)
  • - Each big bang starts to fade away
  • - go back to the ocean?
  • - "As a result of the slowing economy, the shoppers' enthusiasm seemed to ... away." (decline)
  • - (Of tide) go out
  • - Drift back from the shore to the sea
  • - Go out, like the tide
  • - Wash out to sea
  • - Move out, like a tide
  • - Go to a lower level
  • - Go out, in a way
  • - Go out to sea
  • - Go out from the shore
  • - Wash out to sea, as a tide
  • - Subside, as the sea
  • - Return to previous levels
  • - Pull out, on the beach
  • - Move back towards the sea
  • - Go out, at the beach
  • - Go out, as the tide
  • - Go out at the shore
  • - Pull back as the tides
  • - Mid-week half-day off webbed flow partner
  • - draw back from english bishops
  • - Bastard born following English decline
  • - .. and flow (wavy partners)
  • - Shrink back from shore, as the tide
  • - Marine backwater
  • - Withdraw from dire pub job in the end
  • - Recede, revealing some pebbles
  • - Retreat observed in the BBC
  • - Recede, as tide
  • - Move offshore, as a tide
  • - go into current recession
  • - Browning's wife initially was in decline
  • - Tidal recede
  • - Counterpart of flow
  • - Flow's tidal follower
  • - recede like tidal waves
  • - Fade away, regress
  • - Recede as ocean waters
  • - flow/draw back
  • - diminish, die away
  • - Recede, as a wave
  • - ... and flow
  • - Subside, as a tide
  • - Go down like floodwaters
  • - Tide's outgoing
  • - Go back like ocean water
  • - ...... and flow (tide's motion)
  • - Recede after high tide
  • - "... Tide" (1965 Righteous Brothers hit)
  • - a current recession
  • - Beach retreat?
  • - At a low ... (in a poor state)
  • - recede, like tidal waters
  • - Tidal opposite of "flow"
  • - Draw back, as a tide
  • - Last of native bees decline
  • - Decline English books
  • - Goes with flow
  • - Tidal fallback
  • - leave the shore?
  • - dwindle, like receding tide?
  • - Gradually reduce
  • - Gradually subside, as the tide
  • - At a low ... (in a state of decline)
  • - Receding tidal movement
  • - Decline, as the tide
  • - Outflow of currency
  • - Gradually decrease, as an emotion
  • - Flow away, like a tide
  • - Partner of flow (recede)
  • - Opposite of flow
  • - Tide's retreat from land
  • - Recede from flood
  • - Flow back, like a wave
  • - Dwindle or grow weak
  • - retreat like the waves
  • - Flow back or recede
  • - Withdraw, like a tide
  • - Motion of the oceans
  • - Decline, as tides
  • - Fall back, like the tide
  • - What the tide does when it retreats
  • - ... and flow (tidal movement)
  • - Withdraw like a wave
  • - Decline of English bees
  • - Fall back, as tide
  • - Subside, like a wave
  • - Oceanside retreat
  • - Backward movement of a wave, say
  • - Subside gradually
  • - What tides do about twice a day
  • - ... and flow (of a tide)
  • - Receding movement of a tide
  • - a receding tide?
  • - Move like a nonaggressive tide
  • - Tidal current
  • - Retreat from the sand
  • - What high tides eventually do
  • - Tidal retraction
  • - don't go away quickly
  • - they result in current falls
  • - Period of maritime decline
  • - Flow back from Caribbean
  • - Retreat, like the tide
  • - "...... and Flow" was included on Pink Floyd's 2014 album "The Endless River"
  • - leave the beach, in a way
  • - Drop of water?
  • - Flow partner
  • - Tidal withdrawal
  • - Poetic monogram
  • - Flow away
  • - Tidal action
  • - Tide's retreat
  • - Point of decline
  • - Partner of flow
  • - Go with the flow, perhaps
  • - Go down, like the tide
  • - Companion of flow
  • - "Chicago" lyricist Fred
  • - Undergo recession
  • - Subside, like the tide
  • - Shrink back from the shore
  • - "Cabaret" lyricist
  • - Retrocede
  • - Recede from the shore
  • - Outward tidal flow
  • - Grow weaker
  • - Go back, like the tide
  • - Flow's companion
  • - Flow back, like the tide
  • - Flow away, as a tide
  • - Fall back, as the ocean
  • - Decline gradually, as a tide
  • - ...... and flow (tidal movements)
  • - The Righteous Brothers' "...... Tide"
  • - Suffer a recession?
  • - Righteous Brothers "...... Tide"
  • - Receding tide
  • - Recede, at the beach
  • - Recede, as the ocean tide
  • - Outward motion of the tide
  • - Outgoing flow, ... tide
  • - Opposite of rise
  • - Move like the tide, half the time
  • - Go down, as the tide
  • - Flood's opposite
  • - Fall off, as the tide
  • - Fall back, tidewise
  • - Fall away, as a tide
  • - Fade, like the tide
  • - Draw away from shore, as a tide
  • - Draw away from shore
  • - Depressed, at a low ...
  • - A tide will do it
  • - A tide that's not high
  • - What waves do during low tide
  • - Weaken in intensity
  • - Tide's outward flow
  • - Tide reflux
  • - Tidal return
  • - Tidal motion
  • - Tidal decline
  • - Subside, as the tide
  • - Slowly decline
  • - Shrink back from shore
  • - Retreat as a tide
  • - Reflux of the tide
  • - Recess, as water
  • - Recede like a tide
  • - Recede gradually, as the tide
  • - Pull away from shore
  • - Police "Blue whale beached by a spring tide's ......"
  • - Platters "...... Tide"
  • - Outward movement
  • - Opposite of flood
  • - Move back from the seashore
  • - Lessen, as enthusiasm
  • - Leave shore, perhaps
  • - Kander's musical partner
  • - Kander's collaborator
  • - It usually occurs twice a day at the shore
  • - Industrial/goth band Nitzer ......
  • - Go down, like the ocean's tide
  • - Go down slowly
  • - Go back, as the low tide
  • - Go away, in a way
  • - Fred ......, "Chicago" lyricist
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