- - getting on, like one in hedgerow?
- - Like anyone 97 years old
- - Golden aged
- - Like people with walkers, often
- - Rather old — like certain trees?
- - Like geriatric patients
- - Like many AARP members
- - Like someone paying a reduced fare, maybe
- - Like golden-agers
- - Like Nestor
- - Like Darby and Joan.
- - Like senior citizens.
- - somewhat old church official left with youth leader
- - Past middle age
- - getting on a bit? then you have to rely on being led out
- - Old wood put on walls of library
- - Past middle age, everyone loses direction, even reliving lost youth to start with
- - left your leader following bush senior
- - oldish
- - Senior fielder lynched inside
- - The aged can possibly rely on being led astray
- - Ageing
- - Getting on a treeline alongside yard?
- - Old tree with lovely leaves
- - Rather old
- - Very senior?
- - Quite old
- - Not youthful
- - No longer burdened with youth
- - Mature in years
- - Not young
- - Old tree likely to be hollow
- - Senior church official meets heartless lady
- - Advanced in age
- - Somewhat old
- - Old tree likely hollow
- - Aging tree, largely hollow
- - Getting on a bit
- - Over the hill, yet initially below tree line
- - Old tree left in front of yard
- - Old wild yell about revolutionary giving up
- - Grey metal workman heading off with lorry, discontented
- - Old, or ageing
- - Typically active voting group, with 'the'
- - Old shrub left by yard
- - Tree reaching second half of July is looking rather old
- - Well along in years
- - Seniors (with "the")
- - Geriatrician's concern, with "the"
- - Entitled to reduced prices, perhaps
- - Retirement home residents (with "the")
- - Eighty-something, e.g.
- - Eighty-something
- - Senior citizens, with "the"
- - On in age
- - Getting along
- - Over ninety.
- - Sixtyish.
- - Beyond middle age.
- - Crucial voting block, with "the"
- - Getting on in years
- - Getting on
- - Getting up there?
- - On in years
- - Long in the tooth
- - Advanced in years
- - Old ......
- - Aged
- - Venerable.
- - Senior
- - Old TV doesn't start, broken by tipped over wine
- - At an advanced age
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