- - Trespass, infringe
- - Impinge
- - Impinge, infringe
- - Infringe (on)
- - Infringe upon
- - Infringe
- - Intrude by stealth, or chance, after straying
- - Intrude, or chance being crushed
- - Advance beyond acceptable or agreed limits
- - Come into somebody else's land perhaps
- - Go where one shouldn't or chance being disturbed
- - Intrude, initially encountering natural resistance in bus
- - Intrude by chance or accident
- - cross a line one shouldn't cross
- - Intrude beyond limits
- - Invade once arch rebuilt
- - Trespass for one snaring new bird without tail
- - Go too far with criminal chancer over nothing
- - Intrude gradually
- - Go past a normal limit
- - Disrespect a boundary
- - Gradually intrude (on)
- - Intrude on another's property or rights
- - With limits of barrier removed, fish intrude beyond boundaries
- - Advance in French vehicle going round centre of Bourges
- - Intrude by accident or chance
- - Gradually advance
- - Go too far for criminal chancer over nothing
- - Advance gradually into another's area
- - Make gradual inroads
- - Chance or potential in Fringe, in a similar way
- - Chance or potential in Fringe?
- - Advance beyond the usual limit
- - Make inroads
- - Go offside
- - Advance beyond proper limits.
- - Intrude on another's rights.
- - Go too far
- - Trespass on
- - Trespass
- - Horn in (on)
- - Intrude
- - Go over the limit, regularly being first to rant aboard bus
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