- - Act in crazed manner
- - Lose one's marbles
- - Flip one's lid
- - Turn hand and flip one's lid
- - Flip one's lid (sl.)
- - Try to stop an idiot, almost do one's head in
- - Try fruit flip
- - Lose one's temper
- - leave fruit and lose it
- - Lose your cool, fructivorously?
- - become wild with excitement
- - Become wild with anger
- - be given fruit and lose it
- - Become extremely angry
- - Have a wild time: 2 wds.
- - Become wild
- - Rat out
- - Flip
- - Totally lose it
- - Flip out
- - Freak out
- - Freak
- - Wig out
- - Run amok
- - Run wild
- - Erupt with enthusiasm
- - Turn hand, getting fly off the handle
- - Get very excited
- - Crack crackers and become very angry
- - Throw a wobbly as a 19 crashes
- - Just lose it
- - Get all wiggy
- - Crack up
- - Lose it
- - Totally flip out
- - Snap
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