- - Hardly generous
- - It's agreed you're somewhat avaricious
- - avaricious man in a dull colour
- - Avaricious man in grey
- - Wanting more than your fair share
- - Some hungry deer give up, having a voracious appetite
- - such a person is likely to have too much on their plate
- - partly disagree: dyspepsia is a sign of being gluttonous
- - Acquisitive editor printed in paler black?
- - Ravenous guy, empty, wolfs venison that's turned
- - gluttonous? gorge, feed? aye, regularly
- - Grasping news boss carried by horse
- - Voracious? Gorge, feed? Aye, regularly
- - like one who can never get enough
- - gee! how dry and you want too much of it?
- - avaricious journalist seen in colour
- - Selfish, penny-pinching
- - Wanting to eat grass? Empty Guernsey would eat it
- - Good and thin — too hungry?
- - Like Gordon Gekko
- - Wanting more than one's share
- - Like Gordon Gekko, proudly
- - Having a voracious appetite
- - Scrooge-like.
- - Selfish
- - Scroogelike
- - Miserly
- - Avaricious
- - Wanting too much
- - Greek, wild-eyed when separated, and rapacious
- - Gobbling venison up, guy that's heartless and ...?
- - Grasping
- - Gluttonous
- - In harmony, lacking a yen to be avaricious
- - Like gluttons
- - Grasping editor carried by horse
- - Having eyes bigger than stomach!
- - Immoderately desirous
- - Wanting it all
- - Edger Cook has male chromosome that's makes one gluttonous
- - Money-grubbing
- - Insatiable Oriental director consumed by what's not black-and-white
- - Covetous
- - Failed to start 1 across behind Missy Piggy
- - Coveting things too much
- - Wanting as much as possible for both sides of Greek Tragedy
- - Insatiable
- - Prone to avarice
- - Wanting as much as possible of both sides of Greek Tragedy
- - Acquisitive editor in dull surroundings
- - Both sides of Greek tragedy seriously materialistic?
- - Overly materialistic
- - Bush "...... Fly"
- - Like Midas
- - Self-motivated?
- - Moneygrubbing
- - Wanting as much as possible
- - Like pigs
- - Excessively desirous
- - Ravenous
- - Like King Midas
- - Never satisfied
- - Midaslike
- - Esurient
- - Possessive
- - Like a CORMORANT
- - Rapacious
- - Like Silas Marner.
- - Wanting everything.
- - Eager for wealth.
- - Gormandizing
- - "There is a very fine line between loving life and being ...... for it" (Maya Angelou)
- - Voracious
- - Piggish
- - eagerly longing for good, sounding high and thin
- - Wanting more money than he needs
- - gluttonous journalist in dull colour
- - Wanting more of something than you need
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