- - Half of those in 6 down take direction from the D?il and Seanad
- - Finishes with 5 down in The D?il and The Seanad
- - Assembled by 15 across in The D?il and The Senate
- - For those theatrical types in D?il and Seanad
- - Colonials and Cape Cods
- - Colonials and split-levels, e.g.
- - Blair and White
- - Tudor and York, e.g.
- - White and Blair
- - accommodates henry and oscar leading exploits
- - buildings wherein one exercises by the half hour?
- - proverbially safe accommodation for parliamentarians
- - Congress has two
- - You can build four of them on a Monopoly property
- - Abodes
- - Realty listings
- - Legislative assemblies
- - Some Monopoly pieces
- - Green Monopoly pieces
- - Takes advantage of surprise opening for a number of families
- - Purchases before hotels, in Monopoly
- - Real-estate listings
- - See 101-Down
- - Provides room for
- - Realty offerings
- - Provides shelter for
- - Provides accommodation
- - Two halves of Congress
- - "Monopoly" properties
- - Legislative bodies
- - Zodiacal signs
- - Split-levels.
- - Business firms.
- - Residences
- - Dwelling places
- - Domiciles
- - "Monopoly" purchases
- - Monopoly buys
- - Dwellings.
- - Monopoly pieces
- - Contains
- - Puts up
- - Zodiac divisions
- - Shelters.
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