- - One's role is to bestow
- - One member goes to the pictures to communicate
- - Make known I belong
- - little devil with the skill to communicate
- - Setter's role is to communicate
- - let people know i am to have a role
- - i'm given a role to communicate
- - I am getting a bit to tell
- - Make known we are not in time warp
- - Rogue needing skill to communicate
- - Make known, relate
- - To make known.
- - Make known
- - Give the odd trim to father in it
- - make known imogen is to leave
- - Demon skill to communicate
- - make known i'm getting the role
- - make known the setter is included
- - Pass on devilish creativity?
- - Tell I am getting a role
- - Bestow as life lessons
- - communicate devilish skill
- - teach setter's craft, instilling some purpose
- - Tell you the pram bumped into it
- - Communicate some grim particulars
- - Divulge knowledge
- - Give the little devil a name!
- - Convey; transmit
- - Provide, as wisdom
- - Bestow, as knowledge
- - Reveal I am Sting making a comeback
- - Bestow (knowledge)
- - Relate (information)
- - Bestow (wisdom)
- - Armpit (anag)
- - Communicate the writer's role
- - Trickery by politician following Iowa's first recount
- - Pass on, as knowledge
- - Bestow, as wisdom
- - Communicate (information)
- - Pass along, as wisdom
- - Communicate the writer's function
- - Pass on information
- - Lend, as flavor
- - Give, as flavor
- - Pass on the setter's role
- - Convey, as wisdom
- - Partly declaim, partly communicate
- - Pass on, as wisdom
- - Communicate (info)
- - Communicate with one travelling tramp
- - Give, as knowledge
- - Convey, as knowledge
- - Lend, as wisdom
- - Communicate, as knowledge
- - Give, as advice
- - Share knowledge
- - Transmit
- - Convey
- - Pass on
- - Communicate
- - Relate
- - Reveal
- - Give knowledge
- - Tell.
- - Contribute
- - Bestow
- - Lend
- - Disclose
- - Divulge
- - Give
- - Endow
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