- - Part of a participle
- - Sofia Coppola fashion theft movie Part II
- - English suffix equivalent to Spanish's -ando and -iendo
- - Suffix with "finish" or "follow"
- - bank with a lion logo
- - intentionally 1 across
- - Suffix for rain or gain
- - Major Dutch banking corp
- - Suffix for a gerund
- - Verb ending found in this clue
- - Gerund-building suffix
- - present participle finish
- - like brahms's violin sonata no. 1
- - "End" suffix
- - Suffix, present participle
- - First song on the 1992 album "A Dove" by the Roches
- - Participial ending
- - Verb finish
- - Participle ending
- - Gerund's ending
- - Watch and wait ender
- - Walk or jump follower
- - Suffix with endear or appear
- - Suffix in a participle
- - Suffix forming nouns of action.
- - Present-participle suffix
- - Present participle's suffix
- - Peter ......, N.H.L. goalie
- - Participle former
- - Participial suffix
- - Park or plant ender
- - Paderewski's "Minuet ......"
- - NYC Marathon sponsor
- - Mozart's Symphony No. 40 ...... minor
- - Mozart's Sonata ...... for Keyboard and Violin
- - Major Dutch bank
- - Like Brahms's "Rain Sonata"
- - Like a popular Beethoven minuet
- - It can follow "follow" or "lead"
- - Gerundian suffix
- - Gerund's tail
- - Gerund feature
- - Gerund conclusion
- - Gerund closer
- - Follow follower
- - Finish for "end" or "finish"
- - Financial institution whose logo is an orange lion
- - Financial company whose logo is an orange lion
- - Ending's end
- - End for "fish" or "wish"
- - Dutch-based bank with an orange lion logo
- - Common word suffix
- - Common word ending
- - Common verb suffix
- - Baseball suffix for field and pitch
- - Bach's Great Fantasia and Fugue ...... Minor
- - Adjective former
- - Verb ending
- - Having one sharp
- - Gerund ending
- - Dutch banking giant
- - Bear's tail
- - Gerund suffix
- - End that's often clipped
- - Gerund end
- - Gerund's finish
- - Amsterdam-based financial giant
- - Financial services co. based in Amsterdam
- - Dutch financial giant
- - Financial services corp. with an orange lion logo
- - Dutch financial company with a lion logo
- - Gerundial conclusion
- - Swenson of 'Benson'
- - Gerund finish
- - Like Mozart's Symphonies Nos. 15, 27 and 32
- - Suffix for "finish"
- - Hernando's "-ando"
- - Financial giant with a lion logo
- - Gerunder?
- - Beethoven's 'Minuet ......' ... or a continuation of 55-Across
- - It's seen in much verbal communication
- - Gerund syllable
- - Gerund ender
- - Financial services giant
- - Like Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 4
- - Having one sharp, musically
- - Fortune Global 500 bank
- - Dutch financial powerhouse
- - Gerund maker
- - Dutch financial giant with a lion logo
- - Multinational bank with a lion logo
- - Dutch-based financial co
- - Multinational bank
- - Big initials in banking
- - Like Dvorák's Symphony No. 8
- - Gerund indicator
- - Multinational bank that sponsored the New York City Marathon
- - End to end?
- - Like Haydn's "Surprise Symphony"
- - Verb ender
- - Evidence of a gerund
- - Marathon company
- - ...... Group (Dutch banking giant)
- - Having one 49-Across
- - Gerund's end
- - Dutch-based financial giant
- - Gerundial suffix
- - ...... Group (Amsterdam-based financial conglomerate)
- - End for "end"
- - Participle suffix
- - Dutch-based banking giant
- - Beethoven's "Minuet ...."
- - Dutch financial services company
- - New York City Marathon sponsor
- - Amsterdam-based financial co.
- - Gerund letters
- - Verb suffix
- - Suffix with seem or teem
- - Dutch financial giant whose 13-Across features an orange lion
- - Like Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 1
- - Financial inst. whose logo is an orange lion
- - Suffix of participles
- - Suffix of gerunds
- - How banjos are usually tuned
- - Ending for finish or finish for ending
- - Financial services group headquartered in Amsterdam
- - Dutch financial institution
- - Suffix with floor or roof
- - Like Mahler's Symphony No. 4
- - .... Direct: online bank
- - Financial services company
- - Gerund former
- - Financial company that sponsors the NYC Marathon
- - Dutch financial services giant
- - Financial services company that sponsors the New York City Marathon
- - Co. offering Orange Savings plans
- - Common verb ending
- - Like Mozart's Symphony No. 10
- - Company that sponsors the New York City Marathon
- - Like Paderewski's "Minuet"
- - Like Beethoven's minuet
- - Gerundial ending
- - End end
- - Like Schubert's Mass No. 2
- - Financial services company with a lion logo
- - Gerundial finish
- - "Minuet ...."
- - Suffix on a gerund
- - Hockey position
- - As a rule
- - Suffix with govern
- - Action: Suffix
- - Common suffix.
- - Noun-forming suffix.
- - Book end?
- - Noun suffix
- - -
- - Dutch banking group with a lion logo
- - Banking corporation with an orange lion in its logo
- - Like Taylor Swift's 'Shake It Off,' key-wise
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