- - Drew a breath
- - Drew breath
- - scarfed down in a hurry
- - Took inspiration from popular, acclaimed broadcast
- - Hen laid, shifted, and drew breath
- - Took a deep breath
- - In prime locations, ninth American took charge and inspired
- - Put away in a hurry
- - Went all the way, as a smoker
- - Took a breath
- - Smoked, in a way
- - Inspired current prince inspired by Kelly?
- - Ate really fast in slang
- - indulged in some inspiration?
- - Drew down to the lungs (smoke, eg)
- - Absolutely devoured
- - Inspired by the most kind and hale of heart
- - Smoked weed like Obama but not Bill Clinton
- - Breathed in
- - Got air
- - Ate quickly, so to speak
- - Smelled the roses, e.g
- - Got ready to blow out some candles, say
- - Filled one's lungs
- - Ate quickly, slangily
- - Actually smoked
- - Got one's fill of?
- - Had an inspiration
- - Got some air
- - Exhaled
- - Breathed
- - Sniffed
- - Dragged (on)
- - Like secondhand smoke
- - Scarfed down
- - Gobbled down
- - Inspired
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