- - Briefly take old vessel back round a volcanic island
- - The eruption of this island in 1883 is believed to have made the loudest noise ever heard by humans
- - Volcanic island between Java and Sumatra
- - Volcanic Indonesian island that erupted violently in 1883
- - Indonesian island, 1883 site of a huge volcanic eruption
- - Narrow fissure a trailer reported in volcanic island
- - Small volcanic island of Indonesia
- - Volcanic island near Sumatra
- - Volcanic island near Java
- - Island west of Java, notwithstanding a 1969 film title
- - Indonesian volcanic island
- - volcanic island in indonesia partially destroyed in 1883
- - Volcanic archipelago between Java and Sumatra
- - 1883 explosion site
- - Noted 1883 erupter
- - Indo-nesian volcano
- - Erupter of 1883
- - Volcano erupting in 1883
- - Tailless amphibian's after biscuit, we hear, for a 6?
- - Indonesian volcano that erupted in 1883
- - Indonesian caldera
- - Indonesian volcano
- - Break a bone — sounds a major disaster here!
- - . . . in Indonesia
- - Eruption site of 1883
- - Sound of sharp explosion, a trail, a major eruption site
- - Mount that erupted in 1883
- - Volcano in the Sunda Strait
- - Volcano that violently erupted in 1883
- - Volcano that famously erupted in 1883
- - Indonesian erupter of 1883
- - Eruption site: 1883
- - Scene of 1883 explosion.
- - Indonesia's active volcano.
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