- - after 51, jack and the french become legally answerable
- - Responsible for returning bail to the French
- - Responsible for a libel action
- - On the hook, legally
- - Responsible story covers sailor on one side of Lusitania
- - Turns up, the Spanish get out of jail system is responsible
- - Turns up, the foreign security is responsible
- - On the hook
- - Legally on the hook
- - On the hook (for)
- - Accountable for
- - Responsible for
- - Bail is brought round to the French subject
- - fifty-one, competent and responsible
- - Bail, backed by one not connected with false statement, is subject to an obligation
- - Responsible at law
- - likely to be legally responsible
- - Fifty-one capable of being legally responsible
- - Obligated according to law
- - Legally bound
- - Accountable
- - Subject to an obligation
- - Answerable
- - Subject to
- - Likely to happen.
- - Tending (to)
- - Legally obligated
- - Responsible by law
- - Responsible adult in horrendous libel
- - Held to account
- - Financially responsible
- - Legally answerable
- - Given life, losing heart after temporary release rejected
- - To blame
- - Legally at fault
- - Subject to being sued
- - Apt (to)
- - Subject to legal damages
- - Held legally responsible
- - Dodgy libel about area being exposed to risk
- - Responsible
- - Legally accountable
- - First person splitting dress label is legally responsible
- - Obligated
- - Subject to damages
- - In danger of being sued
- - At fault
- - Predisposed
- - Lawsuit word
- - Held responsible
- - Indebted
- - Under legal obligation.
- - Susceptible
- - At risk
- - Exposed
- - Apt
- - Legally responsible
- - ".... obliged!"
- - Inclined
- - Likely
- - Likely (to)
- - Prone (to)
- - Prone
- - Inclined (to)
- - Subject
- - Trustworthy
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