- - Makes ends meet
- - Makes do
- - Copes, deals with
- - Applies controls as guy gets older
- - Runs; copes
- - Chap gets no younger but still has control
- - Runs a baseball team from the dugout e.g.
- - Fellow gets on and copes
- - chap doesn't get any younger, but still has control
- - is able to cope, but the fellow looks older
- - copes as the male gets older
- - fellow looks older, but copes
- - A financial adviser does this to a portfolio
- - Runs the team
- - Directs
- - Conducts
- - Oversees
- - Copes as guy gets older
- - Watches over
- - Runs, as a business
- - Copes
- - Runs the business
- - Succeeds in accomplishing a task.
- - Controls
- - Runs
- - Gets by
- - Operates
- - Handles the day-to-day work
- - Does OK
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