- - One featured in a Victor Herbert work
- - Victor Herbert's "naughty" girl
- - Naughty girl of musical fame
- - Victor Herbert's Broadway lady
- - Herbert's "Naughty ......"
- - V. Herbert's Neapolitan lady
- - "Naughty" girl
- - Victor Herbert girl.
- - Victor Herbert heroine.
- - Heroine of a Herbert operetta.
- - Victor Herbert's naughty heroine.
- - she blended amaretti and another biscuit
- - Ohio town that was the first permanent settlement in the state
- - Ohio town that was the first permanent settlement in the state (1788)
- - Atlanta suburb
- - City near Atlanta
- - Ohio city on the Ohio
- - Ohio city named for a queen
- - Georgia or Ohio city
- - Seat of Cobb County, Ga.
- - Oldest permanent settlement in Ohio
- - Oldest city in Ohio
- - Operetta heroine.
- - Suburb of Atlanta
- - City on the Ohio
- - City in Ohio
- - Naughty
- - Georgia city
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