- - Short fiction books such as "Binti"
- - Short books of fiction
- - short novels
- - Works longer than short stories
- - 100-page stories, say
- - Short fiction
- - "Billy Budd" and "Of Mice and Men"
- - "Death in Venice" and "Of Mice and Men"
- - Mid-length works of fiction
- - Short stories of sorts
- - Longer kin of short stories
- - Long short stories
- - Short tales
- - All turnovers in ovens baked for breakfast at Tiffany's and others
- - Orwell's 'Animal Farm' and Kafka's 'The Metamorphosis,' for two
- - Melville genre
- - "Animal Farm" et al.
- - "Billy Budd" and "Death in Venice," for two
- - Tales not overlong
- - "Billy Budd" and "Ethan Frome"
- - Boccaccio tales
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